sure this kind of use doesn't happen and drill and practice can serve a useful function?
I think the reason drill and practice becomes drill and kill in some classes is the execution. Drill and practice comes after a concept has been taught that a teacher wants the student to have what is mentioned in Roblyer in chapter 3 to be automaticity. Information that is automatic will allow students to move to higher skill problems with ease. Many times, drill and practice is simply a timed worksheet or a basic computer program that is not interactive and is the same every day. Key to using any type of drill and practice will be to check on students and see if they are struggling in a specific area. The need to go back and refresh or - a concept may exist. Additional drill without checking where the students are is a frustration. Additional, continuous drill for a student who has conquered a concept is painful. The process should not be about the ease for the instructor, but how appropriate is the modality for the individual student.
The ideal option proposed in the book is to use computer programs for drill. The computer is an immediate feedback to whether the question has been answered completely as opposed to paper drill where the student may not know for days if their work was correct. I loved the statement "Practice does not make perfect, practice makes permanent". It is imperative to make sure the concepts are learned and drilled correctly.