Sunday, August 30, 2009

Ok - so it is day two, and I am kind of excited about the blogging thing.  My son states that if I could meet some of his teachers , that I would understand better why I am taking this class.  he told me that his teacher's are either totally technology savvy, or totally not.  He is a senior in high school.  Time has flown by.

So my whole experience with a blog is from the movie Julie and Julia.  The whole movie is based on a blog the main character is writing about cooking everything in Julia Child's cookbook.  I am really glad that is not my goal.  I am just excited that I know what we are having for dinner for the next few nights and that I am pretty sue we have everything in the house to make those items.  

I am easy to make happy!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

First Day

Well, after a few bumps and missteps - I have accessed the blackboard system!  Now on to creating the blog and I am officially done with the first homework assignment!
I am sure there wil be more interesting posts at a later date - but the lunch hunger is calling!